Friday, February 28, 2020


Hello blog... Recently, we have been going through this unfortunate event that has made a huge impact around the world. A virus, named COVID-19,  has been spreading dramatically and the number of infected people is quickly increasing by the day. Many measures have been taken to avoid its spreading. School was cancelled and we are now on self-quarantine.

This situation has interfered with some of plans and ideas for my film opening. Therefore, certain changes will be made to adjust to the current situation.

- Location

 Since it is recommended to stay inside and avoid contact with people, I will have to change the entire setting of my movie, and perhaps even change the storyline. I will not be able to film in the places I had planned to film. For the first part of the film opening, The filming process was going to take place in my classmate's house, since she has the perfect location. However, now I will have to find and set up a place in my house that is similar to the one I had in mind. Since the character in my movie lives in a very small bedroom, I will have to adjust the lighting and the add elements and objects to create the perfect setting. Additionally, there was another scene I had in mind, that was going to take place in a very poor neighborhood. Since I can no longer go outside, I will have to change the storyline so that I don't have the need to film outside.

- Characters and Filming

 During my film opening, there were going to be multiple characters participating, since the main character lived in a community home and had contact with them very often. I had already chosen people that were willing to participate and act during the opening as those characters. However, now I won’t be able to include any of them and will change certain scenes so that only the main character will be shown. Additionally, I had also specifically chosen someone that fitted the main character (Emily) perfectly and matched her personality. Sadly, she, as well as any of the other characters won’t be able to participate. This is causing me trouble some trouble since I will now have to adapt the storyline so that there is only one character and so that I am able to film myself during every scene. There will be many changes made, so I will keep updating you guys on this situation. If filming myself doesn’t work, I am considering asking my sister or a family member to participate in my project.

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